
From post to podcast: How to repurpose your existing content

11:00 am
Room 100
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In this session we’ll walk through a step-by-step process for repurposing content. That includes blog posts, podcasts, videos, images, and even live streaming! And you’ll learn how to set up a workflow to produce it all as efficiently as possible.

My hope is that you will be able to apply this process to whatever you’re doing, whether you’re a business, a nonprofit, an artist, a student, or just somebody who’s kinda interested in this sort of thing.

Disclaimer: This session isn’t for audiophiles or production purists. We’re gonna talk about using cheap hardware, free software, and being super scrappy to get stuff done.

Major areas we’ll cover:

– An ideal flow from idea to execution across multiple media types.
– Recommended tool for each media type (and how to use it).
– “Packaging” all the content together on your website.


About the presenter:

Andy McIlwain (@andymci) is a content strategist and technical marketer at GoDaddy. He dabbled in podcasting and livestreaming while in college and greatly regrets not doing more of it. #BetterLateThanNever

Key Take Aways

  • Turning a blog post into a podcast, and vice versa
  • Producing a podcast with zero experience or budget
  • Using free software to edit audio and video
  • Planning for repurposed content (before anything is created)
  • Why the written word is essential for every media format


Direct Link
Beginner Podcasting & Digital Media Session

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