
How to get creative on a budget

12:00 am
Room 100
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No matter what you do, you need a budget. Podcasters, Bloggers, Vloggers and everyone else needs a budget.

This panel will talk about the side of things no one really wants to talk about, the evil F word, the evil B word…Financial Budget.

Why should be careful on the equipment you purchase, not going over budget.

How much to budget for your marketing, for your website? Should your podcast/blog/vlog have a social media manager?

If you don’t learn how to do a financial budget, you will fail. We will try to help you out so you don’t Fail. No one likes the F word.

Key Take Aways

  • Why having a financial budget is important
  • How to budget
  • How not to over do it when purchasing equipment
  • Why sometimes free is awesome
  • A financial reality on podcasting
Beginner Digital Business & Entrepreneurialism Panel

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