
How to Use Social Media to Promote Your Podcast and Build a Brand

4:00 pm
Room 223
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In this session, we’ll cover the basics of how to utilize social media to gain more exposure for your podcast. However, it’s not just about providing exposure. In many ways, you can utilize social media to connect with your listenership. Social media, used correctly, can be the modern day mailbox – it’s where you continue to personalize your brand as well as a hugely important point of contact.

Key Take Aways

  • An overview of how to utilize all the major social media platforms and best practice
  • How to schedule content so you're not constantly in front of your computer
  • Tips and tricks to make sure your content gets noticed, especially visually
  • What social media looks like in 2019, and how to keep up with the times
  • Advice I give to companies during social media audits to ensure they're at the top of their game


Direct Link
Advanced Social Media & Marketing Session

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