
Podcast Zombies: The Talking Dead

2:00 pm
Room 100
Attend this Session

Now that podcasting has cycled through birth, peak, and death cycles so many times, what’s left for the evolution of the form? Has the historically restrictive nature of the term “podcasting” helped make itself redundant by failing to accommodate the diversity of audio/video content being delivered on demand?

This session will contemplate what the next 1, 5, and 10 years of podcasting will look (and sound) like. We will also reflect on why those who still choose to self-identify as podcasters in a sea of content creators choose to do so. Is the form following function, or is something more amorphous occurring?

Please join us. We want your BRAINS!!!

Key Take Aways

  • A short history of the medium.
  • Where technology has taken us.
  • Is podcasting rock & roll?
  • Is podcasting a medium or a message?
  • Has the art of podcasting kept up with the monetizing?
Advanced Podcasting & Digital Media Session

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